It took a lot of courage to step back and examine my life, as objectively and honestly as possible. I decided that unless I try to make changes, I'll never grow as a person, as a writer, and as a crafter. I had interpreted the happiness I felt as contentedness, when it really was COMPLACENCY.
And so, I covered my eyes and took that leap into unchartered territory--in my full-time work, in my craft, and in my personal life. I'm really hoping it all pays off. After all, I didn't rush into it unprepared--I have my God, my family and friends at my back. :)
Of Ninjas
Of Crochet
I have been writing for Crochet Spot since November 2010. I love helping people learn more about crochet, and writing patterns for them to enjoy (plus it doesn't hurt to have a little extra income doing something you like doing anyway). Rachel (founder of Crochet Spot and crochet superwoman) has been a very considerate and generous person in my life. Recently she asked me to write patterns for the Crochet Spot Store and of course, I was only too happy to oblige! So far I have had the pleasure of submitting two patterns for her, and I'm working on a fabulous third. ;)
I don't know when Ravelry started doing this, but boy oh boy, how happy am I that I can now share all of my patterns with non-Ravelers!
And Another Thing...
Another BIG change is coming to the artful hooker.
The artful hooker is getting married! (It's kind of weird talking about myself in the third person) :D To a civil engineer I met in college. To me he represents a lot of firsts (first boyfriend, first kiss), and I look forward to sharing more "firsts" with him, our families, and our friends. The wedding is about eight months away, and I'm happy to report that I have not (yet) become a bridezilla. :)
I'm not sure where all of these changes will take me, but I have steadfast faith that EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT. :)
Cheers to change, happiness, and love!